
tampilan blog ku jadi ilang semua......


i believe

Here I am - this is me
I come into this world so wild and free
Here I am - so young and strong
Right here in the place where I belong

It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of a young heart
It's a new day - in a new land
And it's waiting for me - here I am

*here i am now, and i believe i will survive*

nina is back

this picture is taken from: www.ndolop.deviantart.com

kalau pun aku pernah tertawa dan tersenyum, sekarang saatnya aku harus meringis dan menangis..
but believe me im okay.. really okay!!
i have lovely family, great friends, and someone who always take care about my pain.. woa.. just stop talking about a pain..

i have just arriving from my long vacation...
that really healing my hearth from all of horabble thing here,
so here i am..

pokoke aku masih nina, seperti yang dulu..
kalopun im hurt, im still laughing..